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时间: 2024-03-21 21:34:25



优等生香港留学申请书202推荐7篇 篇一

Dear Colleagues:

As a teacher in Department of Biology, Nankai University, a leadinguniversity in China, I am very pleased to take this opportunity to recommend oneof my favorite students to your PhD program.

In September, 20xx, Miss Zhang was my students in General Biology, thefirst professional course they take in the field. She likes it very much. Iteach her in an open and interactive manner, she is active and passionate aboutanswering class questions. Miss Zhang is bright, energetic and enthusiastic girlwho loves speaking out her own ideas. She never escapes from those points ofwhich she is skeptical. Apart from that, she often puts forward her ideas uponquestions and exchanges all of her innovate ideas with me after class.

Upon ending of General Biology course, I asked my students to write anessay upon their understanding of biology. I discovered Miss Zhang’s essay wasso impressive and persuasive; her careful essay comes from dozens of referencesto Biology literatures. In essay Miss Zhang stretched out her creative thinkingupon status quo of biological research and branches in the field of biology. Allof this speaks to her creative and logical and scientific thinking capability. Iam gladly to say that Miss Zhang has a clear understanding about GeneralBiology, that comprehension has been reflected fully in her essay. ThereforeMiss Zhang got a full point for her essay in her class, and other students tookit as model essay for granted.

I believe Miss Zhang’s industriousness, passion and dedication will makeher an ideal candidate you are seeking for your program, so I highly recommendher without any hesitation to you. And I will greatly appreciate it if you couldaccept her into your program.

yours Sincerely















优等生香港留学申请书202推荐7篇 篇二

Acclaimed as a prodigy, I entered into one of China’s Ivy League universities at 14 and joined the country’s topmost scientific research institution as a graduate student at 19. Now an experienced engineer at 26, I would like to scale still higher intellectual heights by undertaking advanced studies that I hope would put me firmly on the cutting edge of scientific development.

I have demonstrated a keen mind since my early childhood. For years, I consistently outperformed all of my classmates in such challenging subjects as mathematics, physics and chemistry. I was thus chosen to represent either my school or my city in a variety of provincial and national contests of academic skills, in which I won numerous prizes. This impressive academic record put me on academic acceleration several times. That not only enabled me to finish my primary and secondary education in eight instead of the usual twelve years but also sent me at 14 to a privileged class for the gifted at the Chinese University of Science and Technology, a major cradle of the country’s scientific and technological talents.

After two years of basic training in the gifted class, I chose electrical engineering as my major and computer software programming as my minor, convinced that expertise in these fields would stand me in good stead in an era of China’s rapid economic expansion and technological modernization. As you can see from the transcripts of my undergraduate grades, I excelled in both of these areas.

Upon graduation in 1991, I won easy acceptance into the Institute of Electronics under the Chinese Academy of Sciences and became a graduate student at 19, when most Chinese students would be just starting their university education. At this institute, I narrowed my academic interest down and focused it on the area of human and artificial intelligence, where the courses I took were deliberately concentrated. It seemed to me that scientific breakthroughs would next come in this area, which made it both challenging and promising. I learned a whole lot about this area in the course if doing my thesis titled “The Radio Shunting System in Railroad”, for which some experiments were conducted on the basis of artificial intelligence.

My solid education paid off in my ability to take on a variety of responsibilities in China’s burgeoning software industry. After I obtained my Master’s Degree in Engineering in 1994, I first took up a job with a telecommunication company, where I managed a trunk communication system that resembled the cellular wireless system. A year later, I joined a software company to develop CMIS program for China’s Post and Telecommunications Ministry. It was a large project, and I made crucial contribution to it by independently developing and finalizing one subsystem, which proved to be a significant success and won me profuse appreciation from users. After the completion of that project, I have been working for the Japan Brother Ltd. in the area of software development.

The relative smooth path of my career notwithstanding, I have not had a chance to lead a major project, although I have always finished my part of every project immaculately. In spite of all my achievements, I feel that I have not taken the full advantages of my intellectual capabilities. I now wish to pursue still more advanced studies and thereby obtain an advanced degree so that I can open more doors and shoulder greater responsibilities.

I believe I have acquired the necessary theoretical framework and sufficient practical experience for further studies. My ability to teach myself and conduct independent research allows me to attain competence quickly in areas that I may at first know very little about. I never work just to finish an assignment, but instead I always try conscientiously to improve my knowledge and expertise through the work I do. In this fashion, I have become seasoned in such fields as trunking system (telecommunications) and CMIS system (software). This quality should help me as I seek to further upgrade my education, particularly if I have ready access to the seasoned guidance of a strong faculty and the convenience of state-of-the-art research facilities.

The University of Idaho is well known for its excellence in the E. E field, complete with an accomplished faculty and modern research resources. These should set a good stage for me to exercise my keen mental power and diligence. If I am accepted, I am confident that I can make quick progress in the E. E field, especially in the areas of artificial intelligence, image processing, wireless communication, neural network and computer networking, which have many characteristics in common and share many important principles. Due to the broad applications of these technologies, I believe the progress we make in these areas will help shape the future of the mankind. I would like t be at the forefront of such progress.

As I am broadly grounded in EE and computer science, you may find me qualified or more qualified for advanced studies in areas other than those I have mentioned. If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you could let me know any suggestions that you may have.

I wish to assure you that I have the necessary English language skills to complete advanced studies in your Ph. D. program. I generally read or write English 《·》without any difficulty. I have, over the years, not only read academic or professional materials in English avidly but also memorized the whole English-Chinese dictionary. There may be room for improvement in my oral English and English listening comprehension. But I am sure my English proficiency is sufficient for me to undertake advanced studies and research. Besides, I believe I can improve my oral English by leaps and bounds once I start to live in an English-speaking environment. All that I need to do is to set my mind free.

I plan to return to China after the completion of my Ph. D. studies either to teach at one of the larger Chinese universities or to lead a high-tech corporation.

yours Sincerely


香港大学,简称港大(英语:The University of Hong Kong,HKU),是一所于19于香港岛成立的大学,其前身为香港西医书院,是香港历史最悠久的大学。港大中文校训为“明德格物”,而拉丁文对应的校训则为Sapientia Et Virtus。大学以英语作为教学语言。自开始,港大被英国THES-QS持续评为全球前30名的顶尖大学,位列中华人民共和国第一。







优等生香港留学申请书202推荐7篇 篇三









优等生香港留学申请书202推荐7篇 篇四


的差别应该是香港的申请不需要写PS,而要求递交一个叫Research Proposal(有时候是Research Interest)的东西, 香港的这个Research Proposal要求你写一个比较明确的研究计划。另外香港对GRE/GMAT的要求比较模糊(稍后详述)。其余的推荐信,成绩单之类的材料要求跟美国差不多的。


香港的deadline一般比较晚的,各个学校不一样,港大main round一般是1月31日。科大各个系不一样 大致都在2月份左右截止,中大大部分院系是2月底截止。城大一般一月底截止,岭南,浸会的申请一般是3月份截止。 理大程序很怪,要求先联系好导师再申请。


3.申请香港需要考T, G吗?

T一般来说是必须的,中大,城大理论上可以用六级代替T,但是如果研究背景不是很强的情况下,建议考一个T。关于G,香港各大学对G其实没有硬性要求,但是科大很多院系都要求G。另外商学院普遍要求G。 如果时间紧张,来不及考T或者G的话,可以先递交其他申请材料,考了以后马上补上也是可行的,对于一些背景很强的申请者,GRE waiver也是可能的。













相比同专业的mphil,master一般容易申请多了,因为master不需要经费来源,对名额的限制不严。经常看到有人问Master的含金量的问题,其实横竖都是个硕士学位, 并不存在什么含金量的区别。是否值得都是取决于你自己的。很多老师也是读了master之后才读phd的。





12. 一般从哪里获得关于申请的信息?




优等生香港留学申请书202推荐7篇 篇五

Although Chinese woodblock printing has a tradition of years, Chinese print artists have been absent from the international art scene for decades. Over the last years a few exhibitions about modern Chinese printmaking took place outside China, but some major exhibitions at such renowned museums like the British Museum would probably lead to a breakthrough in the international art scene. Taking into consideration the growing appreciation of Chinese culture and traditions, I am extremely interested in opportunity to expand my professional horizons to reinstate the well-deserved interest and approval of this ancient art. With this purpose, I was excited to learn about your university, well-known for its high expertise in the subjects of creativity; and your unique course, implementing a diverse range of subjects that contribute to an extensive list of skills. Therefore, I would very much like to be considered as a strong candidate for you postgraduate programme.

My fondness for art and aptitude for rational thinking determined my chose of and devotion to the complex discipline of Chinese Printmaking, which includes a number of different techniques and processes like design, carving of the block and printing. In comparison to Japanese, Chinese printmaking is rather composed from several wooden blocks and, in an exclusive technique, would employ only special Chinese water-soluble inks and thin rice paper to produce a print that looks like a watercolor or a traditional Chinese painting. The success of such a technique entirely depends on the exact humidity of the paper, which is hard to achieve even for an experienced artist. During 4 years of intensive studies, I not only obtained knowledge in every aspect of this art but also learned about digital reproduction of such images, computerized approach to modeling and even web site design.

During my undergraduate studies I played an active role in the university's life by organizing miscellaneous events, parties, seminars and exhibition in as well as outside the institution. The 3rd China Art Academy Exhibition, Cultural Bridge Construction and Carrying Forward The Academic Arts – to name just a few events which included works of painting, calligraphy, design and photography. I personally was selecting a place and art works for expositions, which trained my eye and evaluation skills. In addition, I was greatly involved in public relations of our university, predominantly by initiating and maintaining contact with sponsors, which significantly enriched my communication skills. Having been a Student Union president for three years, I enhanced my leadership qualities and gained valuable experience in legality, administration and budgeting of activities and exhibitions. As an event manager, I not only coordinated groups of students, working on different projects simultaneously, but also participated in their careful recruitment.

The University also gave me a great opportunity to study English Language as a part of my degree which, in particular, improved my grammar and writing skills. To develop my oral skills, I often interact with international exchange students who come to our university to study art of Chinese Printmaking. I also assisted professors in running their lectures for international students in English. In preparation for my studies in the UK, I familiarized myself with the Harvard referencing system, and, currently, I am trying to learn how to write an academic assay and dissertation.

In my spare time I enjoy swimming and reading biographical books about famous people like Bill Gates, Vincent van Gogh, Munk and others. As a creative person, I like to play with visual space of my room, drawing and painting on the walls and ceiling. My weakness is craftwork, therefore, my interior is decorated with various handmade objects, which I usually buy or make myself.

Your programme would greatly contribute to the weight of my undergraduate speciality in Chinese Printmaking, allowing me to bring the significance and beauty of this ancient art to the international level and effectively present it in the most innovative and creative way. Thus, the professional practice that lies in the grounds of your course provides the essential functional preparation for the career. In addition, I am intrigued by the opportunity to learn about contentious issues and viewpoints in contemporary art and assess them in relation to the previously gained knowledge and experience. In combination with a strong critical focus that your course offers, collaborative discussions and analyses would provide an engaging approach to develop and apply my individual analytical skills. In particular, I am looking forward to the sessions that would not only enable me to communicate my ideas clearly but also to present information in appealing and captivating for audience way.

Taking into consideration my potentials and enthusiasm I believe I will make a full use of the opportunities afforded to me at your university.

优等生香港留学申请书202推荐7篇 篇六


好的英国留学申请文书必须使用正确的英文。录取委员会的教授只能从书面材料来对你的学识、人品和语言能力进行判断,而你也只能以书面的形式来表现和证明你自己。你和他们之间的媒介是文字。你的雅思成绩也许很高,但试想你的Personal Statement写得一塌糊涂,洋教授们会怎么想?毕竟这种文件是在没有严格时间限制的情况下写的,如果质量差,人家对你英语语言能力的印象就会打折扣,认为你是一个高分低能的人,一定要把自己的形象表现得鲜明、具体和个性化,给自己一个独特的包装。









(2) 另外,你得花费时间给读信者一种印象:你花了更多的时间使自己对该所学校了解得比其他的申请者更透彻,这些特别功夫使读信人对你的勤奋,专心致志和对该院系的兴趣有着十分良好的印象。这些特别了解和信息不必在每一句中提出,也无须特别夸张其辞,你的陈述只需包含足够的信息使人留下你做了特别努力的印象即可。












顾名思义茶自然是主体,毕竟这个阶段又被称为tea break,红茶和奶茶更受欢迎,会在茶里面加上糖、柠檬汁等比较常见的东西,然后搭配上饼干、甜点和蛋糕等。




优等生香港留学申请书202推荐7篇 篇七


Dear _,

With the approach of new century, the developing China is requiring better trained and more highly educated men and women than ever before in history. In order to make more contributions to the society and, at the same time, satisfy my keen interest in science, I am looking forward to beginning my graduate study. I heard of Case Western Reserve University as early as when I was an undergraduate student. She is one of the most highly regarded universities in the world and is an ideal place for ambitious youth.

I plan to study for Ph.D. in Biochemistry at Case Western Reserve University with special interests in metabolism, macromolecular synthesis, and protein crystal growth. I have had plentiful preparations. First, when being an undergraduate in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Tsinghua University, I got very extensive and intensive education. I took many courses on chemistry and the related subjects, and earned high scores for most of them. Second, my major, Polymer, can be put into good use in Biochemistry programs because Polymer is closely related with biological Macromolecule. Third, I have working experience that enriches my theory and laboratory skills.

From 1990 to now, I have been engaged as an Assistant Engineer by the Research institute, Beijing Yanshan Petrochemical Corporation (RIBYPC). In the first year, I was in charge of a 5-litre reactor for polymerization of Carboxylated Butadiene-Styene Latex. Then I was transferred to another research group to synthesize PET/PHB copolymer, a kin of polyester, which has the property of Liquid Crystal. I am the assistant head of the group. We can prepare the novel polymer with high molecule weight and excellent property in a 2-litre stainless steel reactor. During this monomers, with purity of more than 99.99%; this made my leader very satisfied.

More than four years of working experiences expand my capacity. I often make use of NMR, X-ray, DSC and other instrumental methods for research. Among them, I am most skilled in NMR reactors, I have experiences on solving problems of Engineering and Mechanics. What is more, I am familiar with computer operation and some application software. The above information about my specialty may be helpful for you to evaluate me.

It is said that the 21st century will be the age of Life Science. I hope to enter the esteemed Case Western Reserve University to face this challenge. I am confident tat I shall be an excellent fellow. After completing my graduate study, I would like to return to my homeland and make use of my knowledge to serve the people.

By the way, I would like to give thanks to my parents. Being their oldest son, I am offered the most formal education and the deepest love. I never forget the 18-year’s life with them. Twelve years in the countryside and six years in Shengli Oil Field bestowed me the character of diligence, resolution, and perseverance, as well as the deep love of nature and life. I am also indebted to my dear wife. Without her never-ended encouragement and support in these years, I could not become closer and closer to the gate of the eminent Case Western Reserve University.

Yours sincerely,

























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